Intentional Teaching
Intentional Teaching is a podcast aimed at educators to help them develop foundational teaching skills and explore new ideas in teaching. Hosted by educator and author Derek Bruff, the podcast features interviews with educators throughout higher ed.
Intentional Teaching is sponsored by UPCEA, the online and professional education association.
Podcasting since 2022 • 62 episodes
Intentional Teaching
Latest Episodes
Take It or Leave It with Liz Norell, Betsy Barre, and Bryan Dewsbury
We’re back with another Take It or Leave It panel. I invited three colleagues whose work and thinking I admire very much to come on the show and to compress their complex and nuanced thoughts on teaching and learning into artificial binaries!&n...
Episode 60
Keep the Faith: Learning at Play with Greg Loring-Albright
Greg Loring-Albright is the designer of Keep the Faith, a storytelling game about a religion in transition and about how religious institutions change over time. Greg is also an assistant professor of game, media, and culture at Harrisburg Univ...
Episode 59

Writing, Editing, and AI with Heidi Nobles
Back in August, I had the opportunity to hear a short presentation from Heidi Nobles, assistant professor in writing and rhetoric and director of Writing Across the Curriculum at the University of Virginia. The presentation was part of a two-da...
Episode 58

AI as Design Accelerator with Ryan Wetzel
How can generative AI help students develop creative and critical thinking skills? Doing means treating AI as more than a super Google search. Ryan Wetzel is manager of creative learning initiatives for Teaching and Learning with Techno...
Episode 57

Rethinking Doctoral Education with Leonard Cassuto
Doctoral education in the United States works really well... when it works. Many doctoral students experience a significant mismatch between their career goals and the goals of their graduate programs, which is one reason completion rates for d...
Episode 56

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